There is a man who sells lottery tickets on the streets of San Vito, Costa Rica. At first sight there is nothing remarkable about this man. Although not a man of wealth or education, and although this profession is a simple and common one, he is indeed a very remarkable human being. He never tires of learning. He seeks out new people at every opportunity and engages them in conversation. He's not after their money as so many "friendly" types are. He's after their learning, their experiences, their thoughts. He has a marvelous imagination and a nimble wit. He can create a fascinating children's tale from the smallest of things. He is a natural story teller and keeps his audiences, both children and adults, spellbound.
Today he rather shyly gave me a copy of a poem (one of many he's written and has kept hidden) and asked me my opinion. Frankly, I was blown away. I am reproducing it here for others to enjoy. It is in Spanish. For those who do not speak or read Spanish, perhaps you can find a Spanish speaking friend to translate for you. I dare not translate for fear of losing something of the beauty.
En el principio eterno el todo estaba en la conciencia universal, y su belleza era la luz que solo podía reflejarse en la oscuridad, entonces la creación brotó du su labios como un canto agradable al oído y diseminado en todo lo que vibra y respira a través de esa inteligencia insuperable.
Lo que siempre ha sido se pluralizó en billones y trillones d partículas y criaturas que están continuamente integrando y renovando lo que en apariencia desaparece ¿puede acaso la luz desintegrarse a sí misma, solo por estar en frente de la oscuridad, y por obedecer a su ley refractaria que está constituida en su propia naturaleza?
Yo el eterno, soy lo que continuamente muere, y en lo que continuamente muere, la vida se recrea a sí misma en el interminable proceso del caos y la armonía, de la luz y la oscuridad.
Federico Rojas Marín
Octubre de 2009
Copyright Mary B. Thorman
All rights reserved
1 comment:
Dearest Mary,
what a wonderful piece of writing and what an amazing poem. Having met Federico, I can't but wonder how he lives his life. I immediately thought of maybe publishing such works in combination with photographs or even putting poems onto walls . . .
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